
lxf2023-05-05 22:50:01




  • 原型,原型链相关
  • while循环
  • es6默认参数


instanceof 运算符用来检测 constructor.prototype 是否存在于参数 object 的原型链上。


object instanceof constructor



1. 第一版本instanceof

function myInstanceof1(L, R) {
    // 声明一个变量获取对象的__proto__
    let link = L.__proto__
    // 做循环(当link最终指向null,如果指向null的情况下都找不到那就返回false)
    while (link !== null) {
        // 如果找到说明R.prototype在L的原型链上,即返回true
        if(link === R.prototype) return true
        // 逐级向下
        link = link.__proto__
    return false

// 测试

function Car(make, model, year) {
  this.make = make;
  this.model = model;
  this.year = year;
const auto = new Car('Honda', 'Accord', 1998);

console.log(myInstanceof1(auto, Car)); // true
console.log(myInstanceof1(auto, Object)); // true

console.log(auto instanceof Car); // true
console.log(auto instanceof Object); // true



2. 第二版本instanceof


1 instanceof Number // false
'' instanceof String // false
true instanceof Boolean // false
null instanceof Boolean // false
NaN instanceof Number // false
undefined instanceof Number // false
0 instanceof Number // false


var a = {}
a instanceof 1 // Uncaught TypeError: Right-hand side of 'instanceof' is not an object
a instanceof '' // Uncaught TypeError: Right-hand side of 'instanceof' is not an object
a instanceof true // Uncaught TypeError: Right-hand side of 'instanceof' is not an object
a instanceof null // Uncaught TypeError: Right-hand side of 'instanceof' is not an object
a instanceof NaN // Uncaught TypeError: Right-hand side of 'instanceof' is not an object
a instanceof undefined // Uncaught TypeError: Right-hand side of 'instanceof' is not an object
a instanceof 0 // Uncaught TypeError: Right-hand side of 'instanceof' is not an object
a instanceof {} // Uncaught TypeError: Right-hand side of 'instanceof' is not callable


function myInstanceof2(L = null, R) {
    // 对于左侧参数如果是非对象直接返回false
    if (Object(L) !== L) return false
    // 对于右侧参数可以认为只能为函数且不能没有Prototype属性
    if (typeof R !== 'function' || !R.prototype) throw new TypeError('Right-hand side of 'instanceof' is not an object')
    // 声明一个变量获取对象的__proto__
    let link = L.__proto__
    // 做循环(当link最终指向null,如果指向null的情况下都找不到那就返回false)
    while (link !== null) {
        // 如果找到说明R.prototype在L的原型链上,即返回true
        if(link === R.prototype) return true
        // 逐级向下
        link = link.__proto__
    return false

// 测试

function Car(make, model, year) {
  this.make = make;
  this.model = model;
  this.year = year;
const auto = new Car('Honda', 'Accord', 1998);

console.log(myInstanceof2(1, Car)); // false
console.log(myInstanceof2('', Car)); // false
console.log(myInstanceof2(true, Car)); // false
console.log(myInstanceof2(null, Car)); // false
console.log(myInstanceof2(undefined, Car)); // false
console.log(myInstanceof2(0, Car)); // false

console.log(myInstanceof2(auto, 1)); // Uncaught TypeError: Right-hand side of 'instanceof' is not an object
console.log(myInstanceof2(auto, '')); // Uncaught TypeError: Right-hand side of 'instanceof' is not an object
console.log(myInstanceof2(auto, true)); // Uncaught TypeError: Right-hand side of 'instanceof' is not an object
console.log(myInstanceof2(auto, null)); // Uncaught TypeError: Right-hand side of 'instanceof' is not an object
console.log(myInstanceof2(auto, undefined)); // Uncaught TypeError: Right-hand side of 'instanceof' is not an object
console.log(myInstanceof2(auto, 0)); // Uncaught TypeError: Right-hand side of 'instanceof' is not an object
console.log(myInstanceof2(auto, {})); // Uncaught TypeError: Right-hand side of 'instanceof' is not an object

console.log(myInstanceof2(auto, Car));
// expected output: true
console.log(myInstanceof2(auto, Object));
// expected output: true

console.log(auto instanceof Car);
// expected output: true
console.log(auto instanceof Object);
// expected output: true


3. 最终版本

function myInstanceof(L = null, R) {
    // 对于左侧参数如果是非对象直接返回false
    if (Object(L) !== L) return false
    // 对于右侧参数可以认为只能为函数且不能没有Prototype属性
    if (typeof R !== 'function' || !R.prototype) throw new TypeError('Right-hand side of 'instanceof' is not an object')
    // 声明一个变量获取对象的__proto__
    let link = L.__proto__
    // 做循环(当link最终指向null,如果指向null的情况下都找不到那就返回false)
    while (link !== null) {
        // 如果找到说明R.prototype在L的原型链上,即返回true
        if(link === R.prototype) return true
        // 逐级向下
        link = link.__proto__
    return false


  • 面试官系列:请你说说原型、原型链相关
  • 面试官系列:请说说你对深拷贝、浅拷贝的理解
  • 面试官系列:请手写防抖或节流函数debounce/throttle
  • 10分钟快速手写实现:call/apply
  • 5分钟快速手写实现:bind
  • 5分钟快速手写实现:new


原创不易,如有疑问的欢迎拍砖!( ఠൠఠ )ノ!!!